Economy in most African countries is down or not well especially after the covid pandemic. Money is there but most families struggle to make ends meet. It's as if money finishes before it's even in the pocket. Don't you wonder about something, you work extremely hard each and every day, you make plans to be responsible when spending and put down important things to buy but wonder how your money ends before you even buy the important things. You look around to see where your money has gone ( what you have bought ) you see nothing.
The next time you make some plans of making sure you don't overspend, you write a budget down and make sure you get it right this time around but to no avail, nothing is working, the following month you make plans again and again before you know it it's a new year, then you ask yourself why me? Maybe it's my job that is a problem, maybe I need more money, all these are questions you ask yourself time and again and years come and go, you make resolutions, plans how you do better the following years but it's still the same, no changes.
Now it's not about having little money or a job too small, not about writing a budget you don't follow, it's about following life principals that can help you become better each and every year.
Each year, each day, each moment your goal should be to become better at everything you do, and becoming a better person that is in all aspects even character wise; the goal is to become better than the last moment. Look at the following points you must consider to balance your needs and wants.
- Have an income
You can't balance your wants and needs if you don't have an income, whatever it is you do make sure it is giving you something. Having an income is not only necessary but will give you peace. I see many women who get very comfortable with having a boyfriend doing there groceries and bills, well in as much as that is not bad it is a risk. What happens if that month they decide to stop or they have something they need to attend to? You will be stack right? An even end up getting a loan because you don't have anything. Many times people get credits not because they wanted but situations called for it. And it went on and on and on until it became too big to handle. Have something to do that is your own or reliable even if it's not yours.
- Choose a lifestyle you afford
Most people have ended up in debt because they try to live a life they cannot afford, pleasing people who don't contribute a dime to their existence. Choose to live a life you can afford. Use the lotion you afford, for every budget one ha there is the best groceries so try and find groceries you can afford. Don't use everything to spend, spend on what you need. And only buy when it's necessary sometimes you don't need to buy at all.
So many think to look good you need to buy expensive clothes daily or wear heavy and expensive makeups daily but it's bigger than that, if you are beautiful you will just rock even in your natural self. Many would say because of their skins and the like yes you are right many things and factors push that you become block, but if you want to be rich or financial stable you have to follow the principal of life and that is choosing a lifestyle you can afford.
- Buy things in bulks
Bulk buying has helped me over the years to save money, buy the most so you don't have to buy the next time you have something. I noticed something each time I bought more things they stayed longer and I never had to spend on them, for example sugar and cooking oil, whenever I bought enough it stayed for months and I never had to buy again and that was a great feeling to have money but not spend it. Having money doesn't mean you must spend. It's sometimes good to just save it. You don't have to change your life style just because you have a month with money. Remember the point is to save and create big things for yourself.
- Put down responsibilities
Most bread winners live less because they carry burdens too heavy for them to carry. Take not of your responsibilities within your means. Don't try to please your whole village by putting everyone in school without a proper plan where you will get the money or order expensive things without an idea how to pay them.
- Lower your costs by doing what you can do on your own
If you have a piece of land plant some onions, tomatoes, vegies so you won't have to buy. If you can wash do it on your own so you don't have to spend on londery. Cook if you can it's cheaper and healthy to do your own meals so do what you can to cut on the costs.
If you follow the steps above trust me you will notice a change in your life, you will at least have enough to save.
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